Antidepressant or sleeping pills are prescribed to help people suffering from depression and insomnia. But these drugs can cause adverse effects if taken for a long period of time. Hence it is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking up any anti depressant medication. There are many different types of anti depressants available in the market today and they include mainly tricyclics (TCA), monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs (MAOIs) and anserotonergic antidepressants (Amitriptyline and Cymbalta). All three have their own unique features but the main ingredients remain the same which includes benzodiazepines, nonbenzodiazepines and antidepressants. Tricyclics like Norpramin and Norpraminil, which are sold under various brand names, are known to be very effective in restoring sleep. However their side effects are less severe compared to other anti depressants. Norpramin and Norpraminil can also help you sleep for longer but the problem comes when they stop working. You may get drowsy after sometime and experience difficulty in concentrating on tasks. These pills can prove highly beneficial for those who need immediate relief from insomnia or depression but cannot afford to take sleeping pills for a long period of time.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs act in a similar way as the tricyclics but they are more popular and prescribed to patients taking up benzodiazepine withdrawal treatment. They work by restoring serotonin levels in the brain which in turn improves your ability to sleep. However the problem with MAOIs is that they can cause memory problems and decrease your concentration levels which makes it difficult to stay on task. This results in frequent mood swings and hence they are mostly prescribed to people suffering from schizophrenia or post traumatic stress disorder. Be sure to get help today! There are three types of sleeping pills currently available for use by individuals undergoing benzodiazepine withdrawal treatment.
They are Restoril, Zolpidem, and Lunesta. These pills work in a similar way to the tricyclics with a few exceptions. The main difference is that Restoril is not habit forming and works quickly while Zolpidem requires a higher dosage and lasts longer. While Lunesta works similarly to Restoril, it has fewer side effects and is considered a milder form of sleeping pill. See source for more info! While using sleeping pills to induce sleep it is important to keep in mind that they should never be taken in isolation. If you wake up feeling unwell, or feel that your sleep is being disrupted you should discontinue taking them. Benzodiazepines are a milder form of medication than the tricyclics and although they work well on patients' symptoms they can also cause dangerous side effects if used without the proper amount of guidance. For this reason you should always consult your doctor before attempting to treat any sleeping disorder. There are many alternative forms of benzodiazepine withdrawal treatment that you can follow including hypnosis, biofeedback, acupuncture, hypnotherapy and massage therapy.
While these do not work as quickly or as thoroughly as do the sleeping pills it is worth trying for a short period of time as an alternative. Bear in mind that a sleeping pill only serves to help you fall asleep and if you attempt to sleep while on them you run the risk of waking up again. If you decide to use one of these alternative treatments, be sure to inform your doctor of your intent so that he can monitor your progress. Get more facts about detox at